Camera-Ready Guidelines

Note every paper needs a full registration (IEEE Member, Non-member, or IEEE Life Member). If an author has more than one papers accepted, each additional paper will need an extra paper fee ($750).

Dear Authors of IEEE DSAA 2024 Accepted papers,

To help you prepare the final copy of your paper, we have included in the following steps all information you will need to submit and register your camera-ready paper.

  • STEP 1: Revise your paper(s) in response to reviewer comments.
  • STEP 2: Format the camera-ready with respect to the conference formatting guidelines. Including all figures, tables, and references, you are allowed a total of:
    • 2 pages for the Journal track (with one possible extra page max. of $350),
    • 4 pages for the Tutorials,
    • 10 pages for all other tracks (with possible 2 extra pages max. of $350 each).

    Copyright Consent Form: For every manuscript in the DSAA 2024 Proceedings, copyright consent must be given by the authors. The signed copyright consent form of each accepted paper must be submitted before uploading your final manuscript.

    ****IMPORTANT NOTE****

    • The corresponding author of each accepted work must complete the IEEE Copyright Form (Link to the Copyright Form is coming soon).
    • Please make sure that you complete the copyright consent BEFORE you submit your final camera-ready version in EasyChair.
    • An email confirmation of a successful IEEE Copyright Transfer will be received from

    For more information on the IEEE Copyright Policy, click here

    Paper Formatting Guidelines:

    • The file should be PDF
    • PLEASE ONLY USE THE FOLLOWING TEMPLATES TO GENERATE YOUR PDF: MS WORD and LATEX templates for IEEE Xplore Digital Library are available here:
    • Please make sure that all Figures and Tables are of high quality and their content is easily readable.
    • Please make sure also that your paper contains no headers, no footers, and no page numbers. This information will be added by the conference publication team.
    • Check - validate your camera-ready paper by using IEEE PDF eXpress

    All camera-ready papers should be checked - validated by IEEE PDF eXpress ( Please follow the following instructions:

    1. ACCESS THE IEEE PDF eXpress site:
      First-time users should do the following:
      • Select the New Users - Click Here IEEE PDF eXpress (
      • Enter the following:
        • 61799X for the Conference ID
        • your email address
        • a password
      • Continue to enter information as prompted

      An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
      Previous users of PDF eXpress can login using the same email address and password that was used for previous conferences, and then:

      • Enter 61799X for the Conference ID when prompted.
      • You should also verify that your contact information is updated after logging in.
    2. For each conference paper, click "Create New Title."
    3. Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required).
    4. Click "Submit PDF for checking" or "Submit Source Files for Conversion."
    5. Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click "Browse" and navigate to file, and click "Upload File." You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload.
    6. You will receive an email with your checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for checking, then the email will show if your file passed or failed. If your file did pass, then please upload the certified copy to EasyChair. (If your file did not pass, please fix the problem and repeat the previous steps to check again.)
  • STEP 3: Upload your camera-ready paper
  • Submit your proceedings-ready paper in EasyChair conference papers submission system by updating your current version.

    Submit your proceedings-ready paper in EasyChair conference papers submission system by updating your current version.
    IMPORTANT: You must submit the IEEE PDF eXpress certified version of your paper (i.e., the version IEEE PDF eXpress emails back to you if everything is correct). Otherwise, your paper will not be considered certified by IEEE and cannot be included in the proceedings.

  • STEP 4: Pay the registration of your paper here

Please don't hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Journal Track abstract submission guidelines:

For MLJ/JDSA the authors submit through the following EasyChair link:
Then create a new submission and select "MLJ Journal Track Abstract" or "JDSA Journal track abstract", then update the author information and pdf abstract directly. You will receive a separated email generated by EasyChair for IEEE Copyright form.

Alternatively, if you the corresponding authors who received invited submission link before, please proceed with submission by select "DSAA 2024" as the proceeding, update the author list and complete your submission. Please pick one of the two methods avoid duplication submissions.

Please refer to the instructions in this papge for the page limit, pdf preparation, and complete the conference registration.